Monday, August 3, 2009

A Parent's Life Part 1

As parents, we have a responsibility to our kids to set boundaries and rules for them. As we all know, kids will, when they know they have boundaries or rules with mom and dad, test those boundaries. It is our job to make sure those boundaries/rules are enforced. This is the tough part about being a parent. We don't always want to enforce the boundaries/rules because we don't want our kids to be mad at us. Personally, I feel that kids need to know that we will enforce those boundaries/rules even if they do get mad at us at the time. We are NOT their friends, although we like to be, we ARE their PARENTS.

The time to set boundaries/rules with kids is when they are young. How young? Personally, I feel that kids need to learn there are boundaries from the time they are still in diapers and feeding from a bottle. Why do I say this? From the time that kids are babies, they learn from us what they can and can't do. If we let them sleep in bed with us, they feel like they can sleep in our bed with us all the time. If we let them eat whatever they want, they know that they can throw a tantrum and get whatever they want to eat. Parents need to let kids know that there are some things that are negotiable and some things that are not.

Learning how to sleep in their own bed is a biggie. I'll talk about this more next time...

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